Gabriel Prosser


A Revolutionary Mentality is pertinenet if not urgent to the cause that is at hand at this day and time. We have been lost and bambozzled to this agenda and what is going on, we have become content with this mentality and the acceptance of their symbolism that they give us to parade as if it something to be proud of. This is nothing better than you not wanting to wear your families hand me downs instead of going out and getting your own new clothes yourself. So why have we the Black Race have become so content with the acceptance of this whole second class citizenship and what we seem to not be able to go with out and that is white involvement in each and everything that we do in this country.

Have we forgotten the Blueprints that was laid down so beautifully, and how they went against this system and all of it’s forms of oppression. This is what we lost today, this is the mentality that we the Black Race need to get back upon. As we can see that this villian the govt and their arm the pigs are not and will not do anything that is for the benefit of the Black Race as a whole. We have seen this time and time again, how this system and it’s laws are always in the benefit for those in blue and on the hill, and never for those of the Black Race.

We have been duped and rocked into a deep slumber as the Black Race. We have adopted the most ignorant and most detrimental qualities as the Black Race and have forgotten all about those that have been the true Gangstas that have had the villian the govt of this country shaking in their fucking boots. Now we are doing the most foolish things that have nothing to do with uplifting the Black Race as a whole and now most of our youth dont even know about the black panthers unless you are talking about the super hero movie, and thats a Damn shame!

So the mission at hand is to reignite that revolutionary spirit into our Race once again, and that Black Nationalist mentality so that we can finally control the economic, political, and social philosophies in our own communities. The time is now for us to implement these stratagies into our neighborhoods and communities. We have already seen the proof in these works all through History when you take a look back to the independent Black orginazations that were independent of the white man you can see the proof in this theory and that it works.

Huey.P.Newton said it best and i quote “The first lesson that a Revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed Man” with this being said it is obvious why we dont see any people see on this planet that are trying to feel the shoes that our true Gangsta Ancestors have worn and to pick up that torch to reignite it any one that has that platform that can reach millions of eyes or listeners are doing nothing to make these messages heard or trending, instead they are spreading the most follish shit to their own kind and saying nothing about uplifting or getting free from this system of oppression.

How much more nonsense can we take as the Black Race we have ignorance constantly thrown in our directions all in an attempt to keep us distracted, and most importantly divided as the Black Race. Again the villian this govt has seen us the Black Race in action and what we could do as a Race when we are united and focused on the one common enemy that has been oppressing us since we have been in this country. The time is now for true revolutionaries to stand up and continue to challenge this system of oppression and to awaken our people to get back upon Revolutionary Black Nationalist mentalities, because this is the only mentality that will get us free. This is the only mentality that will have us thinking like independent Black people instead of the european mindset that so many of our kind have been brainwashed to die for. So many of our kind are still believing in this mirage of democracy and that one day they shall overcome. What an ignorant Philosophy to have to continue to have faith in something or someone that has never had the intentions to ever have faith or belive in you.

No longer can we afford to let weak-kneed, Pussy-footing uncle-tomming negroes continue to represent us and what we need as the Black Race, for one most of them that are in those positions of authority are not and have not been brought up in predominately Black cities, neighborhoods at all, so they are out of touch with what we need as the Black Race and honestly they could care less. So the time is now for us to get back upon those revolutionary agendas and to continue down the path of our gangsta ancestors towards true freedom and liberation for the entire Black Race.



Gabriel Prosser

I am here to keep the foot 🦶🏿on the neck of the oppressors when it comes to issues that are relevant to the Black Community.